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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Partnership Proposal

My question is, if this is "legit" and "risk free", why can't "Francis" reveal his name? That strikes me as very odd. What I'm thinking is that "Francis" doesn't work for any bank, and probably has no decent job. He's a liar and a thief who wants to steal your money. Don't be his victim and delete this spam. Knowledge is power against a spammer.

Monday, April 13, 2009 2:12 PM

I work as a Director in a bank in Ghana and I cannot reveal my full name for now because of my position in the bank. I have a genuine, confidential and risk free proposal for your consideration. I WILL TAKE CHARGE OF ALL EXPENSES BUT YOU MUST MEET THE 3 REQUIREMENTS BELOW FOR US TO PROCEED;1. You must possess a bank account or be willing to open one.2. You must be earning over US$30,000 annually.3. You must not have been convicted of any criminal activity.THE ABOVE 3 REQUIREMENTS ARE ESSENTIAL IF WE ARE TO SUCCEED IN THIS VENTURE.DETAILS OF MY PROPOSALThe escheatment laws of the 1990 constitution of the republic of Ghana Act 16 sub-section 12(a) state that any account in a bank that contains an amount above US$10,000 should be declared as unclaimed property and tendered with the Government if it remains unclaimed after a stipulated timeframe. There is an abandoned account which contains the sum of US$4.5 million deposited since the 11th of December 2004 in the branch I work. This money will be remitted to the Government in 2 weeks time if no one comes forth to claim it. The greedy and corrupt Government officials will definitely siphon this fund for their wicked and selfish aims if we do not do something about it. I am therefore looking for a sincere, selfless and compassionate individual who is willing to assist me claim this fund, someone who will do something positive if given 40% of this fund. Since the depositor of this account did not nominate a next of kin at the time of deposit, I will program your name as the next of kin to the depositor of this account. This will enable you claim the fund before the escheatment laws take effect. This transaction will be completed in five (5) banking working days. I hope to hear from you soon.

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