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Monday, April 20, 2009

My Belove Brethren

Another pathetic spam from another pathetic spammer, with the usual Pidgin English. It would not be legal for any of the “undisclosed recipients” to “stand in as next of kin”, without first going through an attorney. But rest assured, our Spammer is not dying any ways soon, and I doubt he’s “78” years old! He’s just looking for a victim to use, abuse and dump. That was a nice touch he added at the end, with the Bible verse, but he doesn't believe in God or the Bible. Please don’t be his victim, and if you receive this spam, delete it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:55 AM

3548 Honolulu Hawaii
96818 USA

Attn: My Belove Brethren

My name is Christ Morris I, am 78yrs old of age retired but not tired; I stay at 3548 Honolulu Hawaii 96818 USA I am a good merchant, I has several Industrial companies and good share in banks including Bank of America and some Banks in the world. And I spend all my life on ministry and corporate business both in Asia, Europe and America here. All the way I lost my wife and two beautiful children and my Brother Thompson Morris and His Wife and children in Alaska Plan Crash few years ago may there soul rest in peace in the Lord.

Just this early this year Banks of America send me a letter that they are having financial problems and I want to sold all my shares with Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase and I have gone through the Certificate of the shares I used my two late children as the next of kin to inherit the shares and also disclose to the Bank that my children will get married before the shares will be released to them when I bought the shares with the bank and deposit the certificate with them and now bank has send the deposit certificate to me and advice me to sale the shares because of my present condition of health I found it uneasy to survive myself because I have a long cancer that can take off my life any time from now and a lot of my investment cannot be run and manage by me again because of my old age.

Therefore I am writing this letter to you for you to help me to stand as my next of kin to claim the shares so that the banks will release the funds on your behalf as my kids are no more before I die and I want the funds to be given to coaches and football teams and clubs that need Finance to survive and motherless baby and orphanage including some people that is stranded and some woman that is divorce by there husband that is not finding it easy to put food on there table so that God will received me in heaven when I die, as my pastor advised me to do. Therefore indicate your interest as soon as you received this email so that I will connect you to my lawyer to give you all the documentation to enable you contact the bank please it is very important you reach me immediately with your full name and address including your phone number and your state of origin to enable my lawyer give you an affidavit of claim and change of ownership. May God Bless you as you reply me in Jesus name and remember to pray for me.

Mr. Chris Morris

NB: Seek the LORD your God and every other thing will be added unto you
If you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul you will find him." (Deuteronomy 4:29

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