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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Urgent Attention Needed

Don't be fooled. There is no "fifteen million" dollars in this spammer's hands. He wants desperately for you to believe it, and get you to respond. If you receive one of these, delete it. Be smart. Be safe. "Be informed."

Monday, April 13, 2009 3:37 AM
"Ahmad Osman"


Dear Friend,
I am MR AHMAD OSMAN, the accountant personal confidant to Dr. Ravindra F. Shah who died together with his wife Dr. Mrs. Manjula Parikh-Shah in a plane crash on the 1st Oct. 2003 on their way to attend wedding in Boston. Mr. Ravindra F. Shah, is an American, a physician and industrialist, he died without having any beneficiary to his assets including his account here in Burkina Faso which he opened in one of the Bank in the year 2000 as his personal savings for the purpose of expansion and development of his company before his untimely death in 2003. The amount involved is (USD 15,500,000.00) Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand USD, no other person knows about this account, I am contacting you for us to transfer this funds to your account as the beneficiary,) but I don't know any foreigner, I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money can not be approved to a local person here. Reply urgently so that I will inform you the next step to take urgently.

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