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Sunday, April 19, 2009


"Henry Loo" just "happened to find" my e-mail "during a comprehensive search"??? Sure he did! But that sort of thing is illegal, and he's intent on robbing me. Ol' Henry doesn't realize it yet, but he's just met the "All-American-Skeptic"! And, hey! It's okay to be paranoid when it comes to spam e-mails! Better to be paranoid than robbed! Be smart. Be safe. "Be informed." Knowledge is power against a spammer.

Sunday, April 12, 2009 3:51 AM
"Barr.Henry Ivan Loo Barr.Henry Ivan Loo"

Barrister.Henry Ivan Loo13, Jalan 4, Taman Seri,Cheras Jaya.KAULA LUMPUR 56100.MALAYSIA.TEL: +60143624634EMAIL:
I am Barrister Henry Ivan Loo, an attorney at law. I discovered your email andinformation through comprehensive web email search on directory so Idecided to contact you. I know this sounds like a scam because of lot ofactivities going on the internet. But I assure you that this is real.A deceased client of mine, who hereinafter shall be referred to as myclient, died as the result of a heart-related condition on the 11 November2001. His heart condition was due to the death of all the members of hisfamily in the Gulf Air Flight Crashes in Persian Gulf near Bahrain AiredAugust 23, 2000 - 2:50 p.m. ET as reported on: have contacted you to assist in distributing the money left behind by myclient before it is confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bankwhere this deposit valued at Ten Million Six Hundred Thousand United StateDollars. ($10,600,000.00 USD). Is lodged. This bank has issued a notice tocontact the next of kin, or the account will be confiscated.My proposition to you is to seek your consent to present you as thenext-of-kin and beneficiary of my named client, so that the proceeds ofthis account can be paid to you. Then we can share the amount on a mutually agreed-upon percentage.All legal documents to back up your claim as my client's next-of-kin will be provided. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through,this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from manybreach of the law.This will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect youfrom many breach of the law. If this business proposition offends yourmoral values, do accept my apology. I must use this opportunity to implore you to exercise the utmost indulgence to keep this matter extraordinary confidential, whatever your decision, while I await your prompt response. Please contact me at once to indicate your interest. I will like you to acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail as soon as possible via my privateEMAIL: ( and treat with absoluteconfidentiality and sincerity. I look forward to your quick reply.Also include your direct telephone number when contacting me to enable mecall and speak with you.
Best regards,
Barr.Henry Ivan Loo

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