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Sunday, April 19, 2009


An admitted Spam, this spammer is not looking for a "Representative", he's looking for a victim. Please don't be one of his victims, but delete this spam. Be smart. Be safe. "Be informed."

Monday, April 13, 2009 7:07 AM

undisclosed-recipients REPRESENTATIVE NEEDEDI am Mr. HIroshi Iguchi, President of Japan Sun Oil Company, Ltd. JapanSun Oil Company, Ltd. is a subsidiary of the world renown U.S.multi-energy producer Sunoco Inc. in Japan and Asian regions and areproducing and marketing not only high quality specialty lubricants butalso petroleum and energy products. We specialized in the RefrigerationOils, Rubber Process Oils, metalworking Oils, Industrial Lubricants,Automotive Lubricants, etc.We are searching for representatives who can help us establish a medium ofgetting to our customers in the Canada/America and other nearby countriesas well as making payments through you to us.Sunoco, Inc was established in 1966, Entering into a new era where thedemand for continuous improvement and expansion is far beyond what wasperceived and required just a few years ago, corporate entities areconstantly striving for perfection, knowing all too well that tomorrowwill be yet another challenge. With all the new horizons that unfoldbefore us, the difficulty of venturing out into the unknown requirespreparation, experience, creativity and motivation. We, Japan Sun OilCompany Ltd. take on the challenge and look to the expansion of ourhorizons with pleasure.You do not have to leave your present job for this one because this joboffer will be on a part time basis as it comes once in a while andremuneration is on a percentage basis of 10% of the total amount youreceive from my customers at any time on my behalf. The reason why I seekyour assistance is that American and Canadian checks take a long time toclear here in Japan, thereby holding business down for my associates andme. Now I already have customers who are ready to remit cash to me. Pleaseto facilitate the conclusion of this transaction if accepted, do send mepromptly the following information below by My private
RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS..................
.COMPANY NAME...............................
A PHOTOCOPY OF YOUR (I.D)CARD...........................
We would be glad to have you as one of our esteemed Representative in yourlocation and be rest assured that adequate pecuniary and lucrativecompensations will be given and other benefits follows. Upon appointment,you are allowed the opportunity of determining the method or mode throughwhich you would be paid for your services as our Representative in any ofthese Regions.
,HIroshi IguchiPresident & CEO

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