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Monday, April 20, 2009

Soliciting your concern .

Of course! "Mr. David Barry" has a "late client" who left over 9 million pounds, and he's just hot to give it to some lucky soul! Don't you believe it! Our "Mr. David Barry" does not have access to that much money, and he only wants to steal yours. Delete this spam, and maybe our "Barrister" will figure out what probate court's for.

Friday, April 17, 2009 12:25 AM


I am David Barry, a solicitor at law. I am contacting you inrespect of a dormant account which amounts to Ninemillion,Eight Hundred Thousand Pounds belonging to my lateclient who shares similar surnames with you.I was given an ultimatum from the Bank to provide a memberof his family and all efforts to locate any has provedUnsuccessful.I want to present you as a surviving family member to enableyou put a claim to the funds. Please indicate your interestfor more information by responding to my private
David Barry(Esq)

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