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Saturday, April 18, 2009


Apparently, apologizing is the "in thing" for spammers! She actually apologizes for "disturbing" her intended victims! Ain't that just too sweet! She is also a dumb-cluck, because she doesn't know her own name--"Sarah G. Smith" or "Grace Sarah Smith"??? I guess she lets her intended victinms choose--I have a bad name I'd like to call her, but I don't use such language. Spammer will suffice. Poor baby "can't touch her money" until she's 30! Oh dear! If she's a "fashion designer", she should be making fairly good money--of course, she probably has no job, which is why she wants to rob you. If you receive this Crybaby Spam, just delete it, and let "Sarah or Grace" get a real job, and maybe in 4 years, she'll have a nice nest egg! Remember that knowledge is power against a spammer.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:28 AM
"Sarah G. Smith"


Good day to you,
I'm very sorry to have disturbed you with my Proposal, My name is GraceSarah Smith, I am 26 years old, from London - England, where I school andwork as a fashion designer for part time job I do after my school. I amthe only daughter of my parents my father died on a fatal auto accident onhis way to see my sick mother at the hospital where she was admitted forCancer treatments, she also die when she heard about the death of myfather in same day at the hospital.Before the death of my father, he had Willed part of his Real EstateBusiness, Petrol Stations and a total sum of £50,700,000.00(Fifty Million,Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) to me. Now at his death, andbecause things has become very hard for me paying my school fees, puttingfood on the table and taking care of my other needs which the fashiondesigner job I do as a part time work after school hours can't help, Iwent to the bank where my late father deposited the funds on my behalf towith draw money to take care of my self and pay for my school fees andother bills.I was shocked when the Bank Manager explained to me that I will not beable to draw from the deposited money, because my father had put a clauseon the Will saying i should be given access to the money when I'm eithermarried or 30 years old or if I get married before the age of 30, in whichcase, my husband will be legible to collect the money on my behalf bystanding in as my late fathers next of kin to claim the deposited funds onmy behalf.Today I am only 26 years old. And I have no access to the money till I'm30 years. So, I'm contacting you to stand in as my husband to claim thisfund on my behalf, But if you are already married , you can still help meby standing in as my late fathers next of kin to the deposited funds. So,please get back to me as to know how you will be remunerated as I willpart with 40% of the total sum £50,700, 000.00 (Fifty Million, SevenHundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) ,while 10% will be mapped out for anyexpenses that we're to use to receive the money from the deposited Bank.Please remember that I am writing you this email purely on the ground oftrust so we can achieve this deal together. This transaction will last fortwo weeks after you get back to me showing me how serious you are to claimthese funds on my behalf
Yours Truly,
Sarah G. Smith

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