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Sunday, April 19, 2009


Flattery'll get you nowhere, "Samson Vicki"! Your "search" was apparently done illegally, and you better hope some irate intended spam victim doesn't bring a lawsuit against you! As for you "Job Vacancy" that's bogus. You're not looking for a "Book-keeper", you're just looking for people you can easily take advantage of! If you receive one of these spams, see it for what it really is--a phishing scam, aimed at getting at your money.

Sunday, April 12, 2009 8:20 AM

I am Samson Vicki from samson marble company. I have a business proposal that will be of immense benefit to the both of us. I have acquired your email address as a person who is actively involved in or is looking for a part time job from home to compliment current earnings. Would you like to work online from home and get paid weekly ? If you will like to work online from home and get paid weekly without leaving or affecting your present job?JOB DESCRIPTION1. Receive payments from Clients2. Cash Payments3. Deduct 10 % which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed.4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to ( Payment is to be forwarded by Western Union Transfer Minus Western Union Charges).No start up payment, No tax involved, Bank Account Details or Personal information other than Your Name, Address and Phone number is no needed.Strictly Legal. Therefore, if you are interested in joining this venture kindly email back with the following details to start job immediately, Email Job Code: SA/PRDMIR/NG540X with the below Info
1. Full Name
2. Address (Inclusive Street No. & Name , City, State and Zipcode)
3. Cell Phone And Home Phone
4. Age
5. Current Job
Approval email will be sent to you as soon as your application is approved.
Thanks In Advance

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